Since my beloved city basically decided to be on fire this weekend (because the past week of unseasonable 90+ degree heat apparently wasn't enough), I had an idea for a special themed post in honor of the hotties out there battling the blazes. I wondered if I'd have enough photos in my collection for a whole post already or whether I'd have to do a bit of searching to make up the rest.
And I discovered a few things: mainly that not only did I have enough pictures that met this relatively uncommon stereotype fetish for one post, I had enough for more like a week's worth of posts! Who knew?
So, for your viewing pleasure, I've put together a special super-sized weekend devoted to these muscular men with big hoses. Enjoy.
Due to popular demand, I'm glad to announce the return of Monochrome Mondays! Speaking of which, if anyone ever has any requests as far as themes, poses, or whatever, feel free to comment and let me know!